Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We've been invaded....

A couple months ago while I was out of town for work Tom took the kids to the pet store and came home with two pet MICE! I'm not sure what he was thinking! (Did I mention we have 2 cats!) I guess he tried to talk them into hamsters, but Paige thought the mice were cuter (ewwww!) because they were smaller. So they came home with two hamster cages, wheels, etc.... Well, one week later Paige's mouse (Pokey) died, not sure what happened to him. So in the meantime our friend's son, Ben's hamster had babies - 9 of them!! So Paige got to pick out one and it came home with us. Soooo cute! And at least I don't mind touching this one! Her name is Hammy (we went through Brownie, Little Girl, Cookie, but Hammy has stuck).

Well, then Jake decides that his mouse isn't so much fun anymore because he can't take it out of the cage, so we decide to let the mice go in the backyard (sorry little Otis) and go get him a hamster at the pet store. (By this time Karen had taken the rest of her hamster litter back to the pet store since their hamster they purchased pregnant - unknowingly!) Jake picked out a robo hamster and named him Pip. He is sooo cute and very tiny...but VERY FAST! So the very first night, he got loose and we spent about an hour trying to find him in our game room - under the couch, behind the wall of toys / books / games....not fun! He's gotten loose a couple other times, but so far we've been able to catch him.

Well, the kids are having so much fun with them even though the poor little guys aren't getting much sleep during the day like they are supposed to. They are fun little pets though! Here's a few pics...
Paige w/ Hammy Hammy Paige with Pip
Jake with Pip


ashli kay wolf said...

how FUN! I am always amazed by my FEAR of these things...the classroom across from me had oen of these for a classroom pet..but OH MY GOSH..that thing LOVED to hang out in my room...the little ball ALWAYS rolled in with "the RAT" in it and i screamed...EVERYTIME...ugh! not sure what its name was..i referred to it as the RAT though...ahh.good times... well have a fabulous week! thanks for the comps on the prom pics..i am JUST having a BLAST! who knew?

Beth Swann said...

What a kind mother you are! I don't think I could cope, LOL! But I did grow up with my brother having a hamster and did thoroughly enjoy the fun stuff, but hated cleaning the cage! Nasty!

Jan said...

Oh my goodness... you get the great mom award! LOL!! It looks like they really are enjoying those little guys. What fun!

Susan Catmull said...

Tag your it. Check my blog for the info.

Susan Catmull said...

Hey sorry I saw that Krystal Hartley aready tagged you. I'm new at this so sorry. LOL